In this sequel to The Lady or the Lion, Durkhanai grapples with the consequences of choosing her lover’s fate. But with war looming and her father’s vengeance threatening to engulf her, the fate of her kingdom once again lies in her hands.

She made her decision. Now she has to live with it.

Durkhanai Miangul sealed her lover’s fate when she sent him through a door where either a lady or a lion awaited him. But her decision was only the beginning of her troubles. Durkhanai worries that she might not be the queen her people need or deserve when conflict threatens her kingdom.

Her presumed-dead father comes back with a vengeance and wishes she join him in his cause. But her family’s denial of his revenge forces Durkhanai to take matters into her own hands and she must decide whether to follow the traditions of her forefathers or forge a new path on her own.

NOTE: There are kissing scenes in this book.


“Living up to the success of its predecessor, a fitting end to a saga of royal intrigue.” - Kirkus Reviews

“While I loved The Lady or the Lion, I can confidently say that the man or the monster was absolutely delightful, a pleasure to read, and that the writing evolved tremendously.” - Goodreads Review

“Without spoiling anything, this book definitely lives up to the first one and is a stunning sequel. i was hooked from the first page to the last one and the ending was an excellent thematic choice.” - Goodreads Review

“The Man or the Monster portrayed Durkhanai’s growth as a person. From the naive and slightly spoiled girl— she became a stronger and more empathetic character. Her personal growth is one of the many commendable aspects of this book, and was an absolute joy to read.” - MistyRealms Blog
